Hire a REALTOR® who uses BeachesMLS
Have you ever wondered how REALTORS® find that perfect home just right for you?
REALTORS® have access to the most robust database in South Florida. The Multiple Listing Service, better known as the MLS, provides real-time listings that are available for 43,000 REALTORS® in Broward, Palm Beaches & St. Lucie Counties. Why is it important to know as a potential homebuyer or seller? REALTORS® can compile specific searches based on your dream home wishlist.
The MLS holds strong value
Real estate listings originating from the MLS have consistently been deemed the most reliable and comprehensive data available for consumers looking to buy or sell.
If you’re selling your home, a listing on the MLS will be shared with all real estate experts and syndicated to numerous online home search partners. For example, if you’re buying a home, the MLS offers the largest repository of homes to choose from in South Florida.
Did you know?
National reports show that 89% of sellers listed their homes on the MLS, which is the number one source for sellers to list their home.
Benefits of the MLS for Homebuyers
It’s all about exposure
Since the MLS is the ultimate source for listing data, your pool of homes will give you the best opportunity to find the right home. Choosing a REALTOR® with access to the MLS could determine your visibility on all listings.
The right comps for the right price
Don’t be deceived… not all internet-based home value estimators are reliable or accurate. REALTORS® use the MLS to compile previously sold comps within the MLS that give you the best home range worth.
Unique custom searches
If you want a home with a pool, a red door, and a white fence next to a specific school in mind, the MLS has you covered! Searching for the right home can be frustrating, and that’s why REALTORS® use the MLS to create advanced custom home searches.
Real-time updates
We’ve all seen this happen. You go on the internet and search for a home. You love it and try to get more information to find out that the house was sold 3 months ago. Well, that’s common, but not when using the
Assurance and peace of mind
One of the main perks to hiring a REALTOR® is the ability to rest and relax that your needs and wants are being discovered. The MLS is a big ingredient in you achieving your goal. REALTORS® know how to get the job done and have all the tools.
Top-dollar on offers
When selling your home, the MLS can net you more money
Studies reveal the median sale price for homes promoted through the MLS was 16.98% higher than for homes sold off the MLS.